It has been a while, but I'm back. This is the first half of a post I promised for a friend and it is a long one. The plan is to discuss various legal approaches to sex work/prostitution that are practiced in different countries. This first half focuses on models that attempt to eradicate prostitution through prohibition or abolition. In the coming week the second half will look at models of decriminalization and legalization. That states consistently address the complex social situations that underlie the sex trade through the legal system is particularly problematic, but it is to legal models that governments turn when they attempt to control sex work and address any associated harms. This is significant because the consequences of the laws required by each model and their interpretation and implementation impact on how the trade is plied and the well-being of those who participate in the trade. In the first day of the committee hearings, July 7, 2014, Francoise Boivin (ND...
This blog is a feminist commentary on issues regarding women and politics both in formal government, big-P, politics and informal grassroots, small-p, politics.