Despite the ravages of the world economic crisis still felt throughout the Americas, participation of women in labor markets has risen significantly in recent years. It should be noted nevertheless that they are still relegated to the most precarious, non/under-paid jobs. Despite reforms meant to improve their careers, considerable inequalities persist. The gendered dimension of the informal sector needs to be revisited, all the more so as the latter is no longer exclusive to the South, notably among immigrant working women in the North. While their presence in some specific sectors has expanded, including management positions – also thanks to “affirmative action” measures aimed at encouraging parity and equal treatment between women and men – the emerging minimalist welfare state paradigm undercuts support, first and foremost, to families, and thus to women. Bien que l’on ressente encore les méfaits de la crise économique mondiale sur l’ensemble du continent amér...
This blog is a feminist commentary on issues regarding women and politics both in formal government, big-P, politics and informal grassroots, small-p, politics.