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Showing posts from September, 2016

New Today, hot off the press. Yes I am "tooting my own horn"

Despite the ravages of the world economic crisis still felt throughout the Americas, participation of women in labor markets has risen significantly in recent years. It should be noted nevertheless that they are still relegated to the most precarious, non/under-paid jobs. Despite reforms meant to improve their careers, considerable inequalities persist. The gendered dimension of the informal sector needs to be revisited, all the more so as the latter is no longer exclusive to the South, notably among immigrant working women in the North. While their presence in some specific sectors has expanded, including management positions – also thanks to “affirmative action” measures aimed at encouraging parity and equal treatment between women and men – the emerging minimalist welfare state paradigm undercuts support, first and foremost, to families, and thus to women.  Bien que l’on ressente encore les méfaits de la crise économique mondiale sur l’ensemble du continent amér...

What does a President look like?

I know it has been some time. With the new school year and teaching a course called "Women in Politics," I hope that lecture preparation will give some fodder for blog posts. This new one is a response to an interview with Donald Trump in which he stated that Hillary Clinton does not look presidential. What does a President look like? According to Donald Trump, in an interview aired Tuesday on ABC, he does and Hillary Clinton does not. In a similar vein to his comments suggesting Clinton’s “health” should be a matter of concern for voters, he stated, Clinton does not have the “stamina” or the appearance to be President. Working to boost the perceived success of his “appearance” on a stage last week with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto, Trump stated, “I just don’t think she has a presidential look, you have to get the job done. I think if she went to Mexico, she would’ve had a total failure. We had a great success.” Of course the simple fact being stated...