London On 1919 or 2019: The State of the City: Bounding into the twentieth Century* or a vision of the future a generation behind. While some were relieved that the Mayor’s agenda was not as “right-wing” as they feared it could be, it certainly was avowedly conservative. And by conservative, I mean, old-fashioned; an elegiac reflection on issues and concerns that drove us a generation ago. It’s all about old-fashioned debt reduction, savings, and any job as an “honest” job. What was notably missing was any reference to or mention of the issues driving today’s feelings of uncertainty, i.e., climate change and work precarity. As a result, the Mayor’s priorities were devoid of any real vision of and for the City’s future. In fairness to the Mayor, it can be said that he was tailoring his speech to the particular audience. The Chamber of Commerce is characterized by its dogged commitment to status-quo business stability, so statements of radical progressive egalitar...
This blog is a feminist commentary on issues regarding women and politics both in formal government, big-P, politics and informal grassroots, small-p, politics.