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Panic in the midnight hour: The New Brunswick Election so-so for women.

As elections go Monday night was rather exciting not because of some very tight races, but because of the growing hysteria fueled by the on-air media coverage about the tabulation. “Glitches” with the tabulation machinery, “missing” data chips/cards (actually in transit to the central returning office), no one at Elections New Brunswick returning calls, and having to wing-it when you run out of relevant things to say, increased to an on-air panic rife with throw-back comments (“we won’t say this, but oh we are saying it”) about the 2000 U.S. election and Florida. This all peaked between midnight and one in the morning when an on-air personality grilling the head of Elections New Brunswick suggested this was all because some local returning officers had gone home for the night with the data chips and was also part of a conspiracy foisted on New Brunswick by a Toronto computer company that were suspiciously not answering their phones. It seemed lost on this personality that maybe no one was answering calls because they were too busy doing their jobs of tabulating the results and checking for correctness. (This it later turned out included representatives from the Toronto computer company, who were in Fredericton helping to solve the problem and oversee the process. So much for the central Canadian conspiracy). On top of all this, a PC candidate stated lawyers had told him not to concede and then a spokesman (not the leader) from the trailing Progressive Conservative Party announced they were not going to recognize the count unless it was done by hand. 

So much for trying to increase or even maintain public belief in the electoral system and the democratic process. Here’s another nail for democracy’s coffin, i.e., its legitimation crisis. 

That first hour of the new day must be the darkest (and the most surreal), because by morning saner heads (and reporting) had prevailed. The count was tabulated and the results accepted, with the exception of a few ridings that are so close as to merit recount (see below), the Premier-elect (Liberal Gallant) was doing the media rounds and touting the optimism of transition, the Premier-defeated (P.C. Alward) was ‘taking in the fall colours’ and announcing his resignation as leader, and all others were full of comment on the significance of the success of the Green Party leader, David Coon, in winning his riding of Fredericton South. The lone third party representative in the provincial legislature, Coon achieved something the leader of the New NDP, Dominic Cardy, was unable to pull off.  

There really is no traction for third party representation in this province. The number of ridings and votes splits within those few ridings mean it is very difficult for third parties to concentrate support locally enough to win a seat. Past success has gone to parties like the CORE, the Confederation of Regions, which as a pro-English party ran regionally within the province and concentrated itself. Although the same cannot be said for its new iteration as the People’s Alliance even with the leader Chris Austin running a very close second in Fredericton-Grand Lake. The former NDP leader Elizabeth Weir appears to have built success in winning her seat based on personal popularity and support, which is very similar to this time’s success of Green Party candidate David Coon. He appears popular in a riding that is home to two university campuses and the associated progressiveness that comes with that. 

In keeping with the focus of this blog, however:

It is women candidates who are most affected by this situation because as I pointed out in my previous post it was the third and fourth parties who ran the most women. Further to this the lack of a Liberal landslide and the close division of party seats in a small legislature means an even smaller number of women in seats. So few seats, combined with a moderate number of seats changing hands, and a moderate number of safe seats usually held by men, means fewer chances for women. It is not a surprise that the four women in the now opposition Progressive Conservative caucus were all incumbents. Of the four women who won seats in the Liberal government, three beat incumbents (one defeating a P.C. female incumbent), and the fourth ran in a riding with no incumbent. When the switch is part of a landslide incumbency is much less of a factor and more women will tend to win.

So the new legislature has 8 women representatives: 4 Liberal MLAs and four P.C. 16% of the 49 seats. 14.8% of the Liberal government and 19% of the PC opposition caucus. This might change because of a number of close ridings where a recount is inevitable, including P.C. Pam Lynch’s.

They are as follows:
  • ·         Francine Landry, Madawaska les Lacs Edmunston
  • ·         Lisa Harris, Miramicki Bay Neguac
  • ·         Monique Leblanc, Moncton East
  • ·         Cathy Rogers, Moncton South
Progressive Conservative
·         Sherry Wilson, Moncton Southwest
  • ·         Dorothy Shephard, Saint John Lancaster
  • ·         Madeleine Dube, Edmunston Madawaska (the P.C.’s lone francophone)
  • ·         Pam Lynch, Fredericton Grand Lake. This is one of the close ridings with only 73 votes separating the first and third place. Second place is the People’s Alliance party leader Chris Austin and third is a female Liberal candidate, Sheri Shannon.
It should also be noted that yesterday (Wednesday Sept. 24) Premier-elect Gallant announced his government would go ahead with his campaign promise to review abortion access in the province. With the closing of the private Morgantaler clinic in Fredericton access has been limited to hospital admission on the authority of a physician, psychologist and or social worker, almost a return to the therapeutic abortion committees of the past. One of the things that strikes me about how this issue plays here is that it is framed much less in terms of gender but more in terms of religion. Conversations with people on the issue evoke concerns regarding conservative religious tradition more so than gender equality even though the two cannot be really separated. It is a feature that could be an interesting avenue for research regarding different regional attitudes and political cultures.

Below is a colour coded chart breaking down the election results (yes, I am procrastinating from another project I need to finish). 

The legend is as follows:
  • ·         Pink/purple marks a successful female candidate (yes, I know it’s a stereotypical colour but it is effective).
  • ·         Shaded boxes are riding that switched parties. Not surprising the higher the voter turnout the more likely it was the riding changed hands.
  • ·         Green colour indicates significant Green party support. This means the Green Party, along with the one win, came second or third in the standings, or were within 200 votes of the third place NDP.  Yes there does appear to be some overlap of Green support with the areas slated for fracking or exploration of fracking, such as both Kent ridings (whose regional municipality took a stance against development 18 months ago), Albert, Sussex Funding, etc.

New Brunswick Ridings
(ranked by voter turnout)

Shippagan-Lemeque Miscou
Fredericton West Hanwell
Moncton Northwest
St. John East
7 vote lead
St. John Harbour
71 vote lead
Shediac-Beaubassin Cap Pele

Shediac Bay Dieppe
Greens within 183 of NDP

Bathurst East- Nepisiguit-Saint-Isadore
Moncton Southwest

Kent South
Greens 3rd

Restigouche-West (73)
Victoria la Vallee
Greens within 118 of NDP
Gagetown– Pedicodiac

Moncton Centre
(Liberal incumbent defeats PC incumbent)
Portland - Simonds

Greens 2nd
Fredericton York

Green 3rd
Moncton South

Miramichi Bay Neguac
Green within 21 of NDP
Edmunston Madawaska
Green 3rd

Fredericton South
Green party

Fredericton North
Madawaska les Lacs Edmunston

Greens within 21 votes of NDP
(Liberal incumbent defeats PC incumbent)
New Maryland-
Bathurst West – Beresford

Southwest Miramichi Bay du Vin
Greens within 147 of NDP
Campbellton Dalhousie

Moncton East

Fredericton Grand Lake
73 vote difference between 1st and 3rd.
Restigouche Chaleur
NDP is 2nd
Fundy the Isles West St. John W
(Liberal incumbent defeats PC incumbent)

Green 3rd
St. John Lancaster

Green within 181 of NDP

Carleton Victoria
83 vote lead
Charlotte Campobello
Green within 62 of NDP

Carleton York
St. Martins
Green within 82 of NDP



Kings Centre


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