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Showing posts from September, 2021

Right-Wing Populism Emerges in South Western Ontario

Right-Wing Populism Emerges in South Western Ontario One of the interesting features of 2021 election was the emergent strength of the People’s Party of Canada (PPC) in a number of South Western Ontario ridings. Nationally the People’s Party accounted for 5.09% of the popular votes, however, in the London and Windsor region PPC support ranged from a low of 5.2% in London West to a high of 14.6% in Chatham Kent Leamington. In the urban ridings of London North Centre and London West the results were slightly above but in line with the national results at 5.2% and 5.4% respectively. However, in other ridings the percentages went up, in London Fanshawe the party achieved 9.4% in Elgin Middlesex London the result was 11.9%, around 10% in Windsor Tecumseh and Essex, and 8.6% in Windsor West. London West as a close-run riding is significant because the Liberal win with 36.4% was less than the 37.4% combined total of the Conservatives (32.2%) and PPC (5.2%). In other words, without the PPC c...